Today is mother's day. It is the one day of the year that we set aside to take a moment and simply honor our mothers and reflect on what they have done for us. I realize this is a painful day for some as their own mother acted anything but motherly towards them. To you, I extend my deepest condolences, for I do not know where I would be had I had a mother like that. I do not want to discount your experience, but today I also want to honor my own mother personally and to express the deep joy I have that she is my mother.
Every year, I get my mom a mother's day card and I write in it and tell her how much I have appreciated her and that I would not be the man I am today if it had not been for her guiding influence. Indeed, this is true, but sometimes I wonder if I'm not being self-centered in this. You see, it seems to suggest that I am only grateful for those things that she has done for me and the impact that she has had on me. Furthermore, by identifying only those things, I fail to acknowledge the many things that she does that go unnoticed or may not have a direct influence on my life. When I do this, I equate her worth by what she's done for me and this would be my among my greatest failures for my mom is far greater than the things she has done for me or the influence she has had. For all of these things only hint at the underlying truth and that is that my mother's heart reflects well the heart of God.
Indeed, I have watched as my mom has been slow to anger even as I find myself to be the primary culprit that incites that anger. In this, she displays Christ's love for his enemies and the fact that while sinners he came to us. She has demonstrated incredible humility when others have attempted to place her on a pedestal, that she rightfully deserved. She has spoken truth to those who were in need of it and has forgiven even when it was painful. She has been right outside the spotlight cheering others on as we have chased our dreams. Reflecting back it is clear that it is only by her example that we ever had a hope of attaining them. It is this selfless love that she gives freely and unconditionally. Certainly, I am thankful for my mother, but more than that I am humbled by her and the life of surrender that she continues to live.
So to all mothers who are reading this, thank you for so often exemplifying God's heart for his people. Thank you for demonstrating to us God's humility and sacrificial love. Indeed, we may forget that fact, but know that you are of immense worth even when we fail to appreciate it. To my own mother, my gratitude for all that you've done is far too small a gift to offer you. Your life continues to show others the love of God and I am humbled that I am your son. You are indeed a blessing to our family. I love you mom.
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Hi Ryan its Tammy Vible, the lady who sat next to you when you visited our church a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, I wanted Thank you for your encouraging words. They remind me of proverbs 31 where it says her children will rise up and call her Blessed. For you truely are honoring your mom when you tell her of all the ways in which she has touched your life. But the proverb doesnt stop there, it recognizes all the areas of her life and lifetime of in which she impacts the lives all around her. And you have done that too. And at the same time you've recognized those of us who have missed out on that type of a Godly mother. And even though I dont feel as though my own children understand or appreciate the work and training God has done in my own life to bring me to the place where I have did my best to live sacrificially, I know that God sees and understands thats what matter most to me! But Cheryl is truly Blessed to get to see her son not only walking with the Lord but serving and touching lives around him and that my friend is the greatest gift a Mom could ever receive from her child! :-) Thank u again, Tammy